The ADAC headquarters provides Germany’s largest automobile association with a flagship building that responds to their aspiration for a strong presence in the landscape of the city, while at the same time sensitively repairing the local urban fabric. The design creates an efficient and sustainable structure with a clear, flexible layout containing around two thousand workplaces and a range of areas accessible to the public.
The headquarters’ five-storey base responds to the scale and grain of the surroundings. Its dynamic five-pointed ‘starfish’ form creates a generous courtyard as well as outdoor spaces of specific character. These include the entrance driveway and an area of open landscaping that frames a neighbouring listed house. The eighteen-storey tower situated to the north serves as a landmark that punctuates the linear space of the railway tracks. The various routes towards the building converge at a large glazed foyer in the courtyard, which gives access to a ‘ring road’ on the first floor. Elevating the internal circulation in this way allows the ground floor to be given over to communal uses that include a conference centre and a staff restaurant.
The building benefits from a sophisticated energy concept that combines geothermal energy exchange with integrated thermo-active slabs and uses a double façade to provide natural ventilation throughout the building. The specific use of colour on the façade gives the building an unmistakeable identity.

- Office building with conference centre, exhibition space, printing plant, restaurant
- ADAC Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobilclub e.V., München
- gross floor area: 125.100 m²
- competition: 2004, 1st prize
- 2004 — 2012
- Hansastraße 23–25, 80686 MünchenOpen map
- Best Tall Building Europe 2013 Award of Excellence
project team
- Frank Anacker
- Jürgen Bartenschlag
- Adrian Betz
- Sibylle Bornefeld
- Ramiro Forné
- Andrea Frensch
- Stefan Fuhlrott
- Felix Habich
- Stephanie Heese
- Claus Hendryk Nannen
- Falco Herrmann
- Tarek Ibrahim
- Andrew Kiel
- Ken Koch
- Christian Konietzke
- Michaela Kunze
- Inge Kurte
- Lina Lahiri
- Mareike Lamm
- Ilja Leda
- Nils Lindhorst
- Andrea Ludwig
- Bettina Magistretti
- Patrick Mc Hugh
- Frank Menzel
- Tom Mival
- Konstantinos Papavasiliou
- Markus Pfeifer
- Tanja Reiche-Hoppe
- Sonja Sandberger
- Matthias Sauerbruch
- Nicolas Schrabeck
- Tian Tian
- Christian Töchterle-Knuth
- Tobias Vogel
- Anja Vogl
- Heiko Weissbach
- Andree Weißert
- Juan Lucas Young
- Florian Öttl