Our most important resource is an experienced team of 100 employees, who work in an interconnected, democratic and interdisciplinary environment, sharing tasks and responsibilities in a process of intensive dialogue. This equal and open working culture finds its equivalent in a contemporary company structure that sees responsibilities carried by a group of 16 partners and 10 associates. This broad base creates a flexible and dynamic environment that fosters the preservation and development of our common values.
current staff
Peter Apel
from 2001
Jürgen Bartenschlag
from 2000
Daniel Böhm
from 2020
Sibylle Bornefeld
from 2007
Marc Broquetas
from 2005
Mersede Eyni
from 2023
Andrea Frensch
from 1998
Stefan Fuhlrott
from 2007
Tom Geister
from 1999
Steffi Gutschwager
from 1999
Isabelle Hartmann
from 1999
Vera Hartmann
from 2000
Falco Herrmann
from 2006
Sabine Hertwig
from 2015
Philipp Hesse
from 2011
Shahadat Hossain
from 2023
Louisa Hutton
from 1989
Andrew Kiel
from 1999
Julia Knaak
from 2006
Lina Lahiri
from 2005
Mareike Lamm
from 1999
Celia Landry
from 2022
Jonas Luther
from 2008
Bettina Magistretti
from 2007
Jörg Maier
from 2015
Claus Marquart
from 2015
Konrad Opitz
from 1999
Matthias Sauerbruch
from 1989
Christian Alexander Seidel
from 2014
Alexandra Trixner
from 2021
Yuan Wang
from 2025
David Wegener
from 2001
Philip Wucher
from 2024
Juan Lucas Young
from 1990
job opportunities
We regularly offer full-time internships to architecture students for a period of at least 4 months to work in our Berlin office. We expect exceptional talent in architectural design, model making and CAD/3D-modelling.
Please send your CV and samples of your work to internships@sauerbruchhutton.com
Please specify the intended timeframe of your internship in the subject heading of your email, and please indicate in the subject heading that it is a mandatory internship.
Students of Product/Furniture Design may send their applications with CV and samples of work to: interior.design@sauerbruchhutton.com
awards (selection)
2021 Deutscher Holzbaupreis · Berlin Metropolitan School 2020 THE PLAN AWARD · M9 Venice-Mestre 2019 Deutscher Holzbaupreis · Woodie, Hamburg 2017 Wohnbau Preis Hamburg · Woodie, Hamburg 2015 Deutscher Architekturpreis · Immanuelkirche, Cologne 2015 Deutscher Holzbaupreis · Immanuelkirche, Cologne 2013 Gottfried Semper Architekturpreis 2012 Energy Performance + Architecture Award 2011 Best Tall Building Worldwide · KfW Westarkade, Frankfurt 2011 Holcim Award for Sustainable Construction · Low2No, Helsinki 2010 Premio de Honor Internacional de Construcción Sostenible de Castilla y León 2003 Fritz Schumacher Award for Architecture 1998 Erich Schelling Architekturpreiscontact
Sauerbruch Hutton
Lehrter Straße 57, Haus 2 B
D-10557 Berlin
phone: +49 - 30 - 39 78 21 - 0
fax: +49 - 30 - 39 78 21 - 30
Sabine Hertwig
Tel.: +49 - 30 - 39 78 21 - 25